
My Life in a Chaotic Living Space

Everyone says Afton looks like Jesse and I have to agree.
He seriously
 adores her.
There's hardly a minute when she's on the floor
that he's not laying beside her,
talking baby talk and hugging her.
It's very sweet.

 After church today we had a delicious roast beef dinner courtesy of Brad- Sunday dinners are always courtesy of Brad these days. Then we watched Prince of Egypt. We were watching this part, when all of a sudden we heard our little Breanna sobbing. Her tender heart just couldn't take it, and then I couldn't. I picked her up and cuddled her for the rest of the movie, and she was fine. But after the movie she went straight to the toy-box, got out her doll and wrapped it in a blanket. Then she found the wicker basket her plastic food is usually in and put the baby in there. Her own little Moses. It's interesting how kids work out their emotions with play.
And this picture is just pretty indicative of my life these days. Here I am doing Young Women's stuff in a chaotic living space.

I had a bit of a revelation this week. And this is what it was: SLOW. I guess I'm not superwoman like I want to be. It's pretty humbling to realize I'm just a normal person and can't have a blog about how I don't know what everyone's talking about three is hard, about how I can have a clean house and work out, like, super insanely hard and do my calling and cook 3 healthy delicious meals every day and practice piano and hang out with my friends and play with my 2 other kids and teach them stuff and breastfeed a baby who's up 3 times a night (only during her growth spurt, she's back to 8 hours again) and read my scriptures and travel here and there for family functions while my husband is doing a CMA while working full time and ALL on less than 1800 calories a day!! Hm. Yes, that's what I was trying to do. It didn't work and now that I see it on paper I see why, ha-ha. I failed at that miserably because suddenly on Thursday it hit me: STOP!! Before you snap and go nuts. I mean, literally schizo ape wacky coo-coo. I did. I stopped everything and made a new plan. A slooooow plan. A "diligence to win the prize" plan. And really, it's nice to know I don't have to prove anything, because I'm just a regular human after all. On Friday I got up (after a morning in bed with kids in front of the TV, I must admit) and slooooowly started picking up the now messy house. You all were right (ahem-Lindsay)... I did just have a baby, and I'll go easy on myself.


  1. Sarah, I had a friend tell me the same thing, and I didn't listen as soon as I should have and went nearly bonkers... It is so hard to adjust to the pace of life that comes after a baby, but so worth it to slow down and cherish that time for what it is. (Life will get crazy again in no time, and you will be super woman again and be able to take it all on!) Your babe is so adorable and I love how much Jesse loves her -- so cute!

  2. So glad you are slowing down. And your baby is soooo beautiful!

  3. Sarah, I just discovered your blog, I'm very excited! And yes slow down crazy girl! I can't believe how cute your kids are, gosh... Afton is adorable and looks so big already, I haven't even met her yet.
