
Forgotten Moments

Sitting downtown, waiting for the bus when a homeless man offered me a carrot after running in circles in the middle of the road. I took it and it was delicious. Climbing the fence to watch the train go by before my appointment with the therapist. Listening to this song. Walking home from school when it was so cold my thighs burned. Staying up all night in the computer room at the University writing a paper. Going to a concert by myself and riding the c-train home. Eating a whole piece of cheesecake on a date with a guy I didn't like and going home with a migraine because of it. Carrying my groceries home from the grocery store and thinking my fingers were going to fall off they were so heavy.

The time Brad drove me across the city to buy something for school. He was listening to Sublime and I realized he was the only one for me. I love him.


Casual Weekend

Friday I thought I was going to go completely mental! The kids were fighting and Afton was grouchy and cried a lot, meanwhile I was busy neglecting my kids so I could get the house clean after a very busy week left it quite the disaster. It was the most amazing feeling when I left the babysitter, waved to the kids through the window and drove off with just Brad, a whole evening ahead of us just the two of us. We went downtown and jogged through Prince's Island Park where Brad usually goes on his lunch hour. I loved seeing where Brad works, now I can picture him sitting in his pretty little office doing all his financial analyst stuff. It was the most perfect evening, with the warm air and the buskers playing their happy tunes. Then we went and bought me a new shirt, ate burgers and dessert, went home and watched a movie and ate a bunch more junk food, then went to bed way too late. But I knew I would be a happier Mom the next day!

Saturday morning I had so much fun helping out with the food drive. I think Heavenly Father must be so pleased with how our city comes together on that morning to gather food for those who need it. That afternoon the family went to the lake because it was HOT! We played in the water, walked around the park and I couldn't bring myself to leave until the last minute so I was late for the Relief Society Broadcast. I wasn't even going to go because I spent the morning away from the kids doing church stuff, but I felt the spirit tell me that was the best place I could be that night. It was. Then I stayed up way too late again with Brad watching another movie. What was I thinking? I usually go to bed early and wake up early-this is how I function best and I hate it when I get thrown off by making poor decisions.

This morning we went to church. Then we came home and had a quick lunch-steamed vegetable medley topped with chicken, to make up for pigging out all weekend long. I read scriptures (the kind with pictures) to the kids until I was so tired I finally told them to get me a pillow and blanket, laid on the couch and had wonderful nap. After I woke up we went on a long walk in Fish Creek Park. As you can see it was beautiful. Brad was behind the camera, because now I've lost my pregnancy weight I don't mind being in pictures :) haha, I'm such a nerd.

 We found this makeshift fort, pretty cool.
 I felt like I was risking my life getting these bullrushes but I had to do it! I LOVED cattails when I was little and my kids have never touched them before. Can you believe it? I forgot how soft they are. The kids loved them.
 Looking for "fish" (minnows)-I'm always impressed with how Jesse navigates "rough" terrain. He's not intimidated by it at all.
On our way out of the park we saw these, the one at the top is a fawn that still has its spots.

Tomorrow I'll be up at 5:30 to work out and begin it all again. This week I'm going to blog every day, I'm thinking just random thoughts, because walking out of the Relief Society broadcast I had this feeling that even though I'm a wife and mom and that's such a big part of my life, I'm also me. Independent of them and anything or anyone else. I like that.


New Post

Sitting here chewing gum
Thinking I'm old, I don't listen to music anymore
The teachers say they really like Jesse, he's nice and he tries hard, "I'm doing my best, Mom."
But I knew that already.
I spend almost as much time complaining about how busy I am as I do actually doing something about it
But I love my life.

It's so good.

The only thing missing is freedom from my own expectations my perceived expectations others have of me
I remember now why I hated school, schools have rules
I don't like rules
Even church has rules, I don't mind God's rules, but which ones are God's rules, which ones are not? I wasn't going to grow up, but then I had a baby.

I'm working on not being angry. It's hard. But I'm learning.
We're all imperfect, we're all imperfect, so just forgive and say, whatever. In the city of Zion people won't fight or argue with each other. I want to live there. So I look on the bright side.

I went for a walk with my kids down the lane, saw a couple friends, Jesse climbed a tree, that made me happy. We swung on swings, my baby laughed, my kids played, they laughed.
It's so beautiful outside!
But I'm scared for winter.

You might think I'm trying to write a poem.
This is not a poem. This is a rush.

The End.


We Don't Need No Education...

I heard that song on the radio the other day and I couldn't believe I used to listen to that song ever. How ungrateful can you be? 'Hey Teachers! Leave those kids alone!" WHAT!?!  I am soooo grateful my kids are getting an education, and I am going to drill it into their heads that they should be too!

Yep, I took pictures of my kids for their first day of school. Imagine that.

 Jesse did awesome his first few days...it's only now he's having a bit of a rough time as he realizes, this is every day. He came home from school after his first full day and there was a paper bag puppet he had coloured in his bag, along with a little note to ask your child the story about the puppet. Jesse told me the story of Chester the raccoon in so much detail, but in a nutshell, Chester the Raccoon was scared to go to school but his Mom kissed his hand in the middle of his palm and it stayed with him all day. After that I asked him the usual questions, what did you do, what did you play with, who did you play with etc., then I asked him, did anything make you feel scared or nervous? He shrugged his shoulders and said solemnly, "it's like Chester." 
It made me realize that where I had thought this Kindergarten thing was just so easy for him, all along he was just being brave. So now before he goes I kiss and hug him several times including one in the middle of his palm that he can hold with him all day.

 Breanna is going to thrive in preschool. She totally knew the drill and did everything perfectly, taking off her boots and putting on her indoor shoes, hanging up her backpack, waiting in line...I'm glad she got into the school (she was on the waiting list-my bad) because she's been watching Jesse go there for 2 years and now it's her chance! I would have felt so guilty if she hadn't been able to go.

Things have been crazy busy around here, with the start of school and the start of lessons for the kids. I have to have the kids out of the door by 7:55 am and that's fine but I also work out before that because otherwise I don't get a chance during the day. 

I also feel like I'm cleaning constantly and never getting anywhere. I clean up after 5 very messy people (including myself sometimes) all day long and yet the next day I'm picking it all up again. I used to have my kids trained to put their clothes in the laundry basket and put their dishes in the sink but somehow that's gone down the drain and I am left to either "nag" or do it myself. I'm starting to feel like a maid that everyone is taking advantage of and when I ask anyone else to do anything to help I feel like the wicked stepmother. And that's weird because believe it or not I LOVE to clean!! I don't want that to change!

 Does anyone have tips on getting everyone to make a habit of picking up after themselves? I SOUND LIKE AN OLD HAG! ICH! 


The Last Party!!

Cornfest, for us, is the last hurrah of the summer, the last party, and it is just so fun I'm telling you. So before I get nostalgic about the fact that my wonderful summer is over, let me just go over what Cornfest is all about:

Playing like crazy at Grandma's house with the cousins

Eating piles of corn. Breanna eats corn like no one I have ever seen. A Taber girl at heart!

Running in Races (and winning if you are my SIL Melissa. First girl! Go Melissa!) I ran the 5k in 27 mins Brad ran the 10k in 54 mins. Exactly the same pace...awwwwww.
Petting zoo, lumberjack games, a beehive on display and bouncy castles! Jesse remembered his bunny from 2 years ago!! He said "I want to see my bunny." So sweet.

Fun rides!!  The ferris wheel freaks me out like no other ride. I'm gripping the safety bar the whole time. Breanna had a blast though. 

Warm nights---no sweater needed!

More Rides!

The Chevelles-I love the part where Jesse is dancing awkwardly with his best friend Aliyah. And when Breanna's cousin Maren picks her up and spins her.

AWESOME fireworks, and then, when the kids are in bed around 11pm, going back with my hubby to dance  to the Chevelles and go on the Zipper. Doesn't get any better than that for a summer sendoff!!!

But I need a better camera.