
Busy and Dizzy

I'm dizzy, and I think it's because of stress. I have a trillion things I should be doing right now besides a blog post but I want to write about it in hopes it will make me feel better. I think mostly I'm just tired, but I like things to be clean and organized and that is just not happening right now. My garage and my car are so dirty and messy they've entered the "kind of gross" phase.  I met up with a high school friend the other day and she saw my van. I was embarrassed because there was garbage all over the floor and a box of diapers I haven't had a chance to bring in and a bunch of stuff between the seats that I need to give back to people. And it probably stunk because my kids eat food in the back and then leave the leftovers in the cup holders. My house is not that messy but I like my house spotless. I am super tired. I have to exercise still today but between taking Breanna to ballet this morning and feeding the baby I haven't had a chance. I gained a pound back today and I'm hungry all the time because I think Afton's going through a growth spurt. She's eating a tonne and not sleeping long stretches like she was. I feel like I need help. Like, hired help. Brad could help but he's also stressed out and exhausted. He's got school and work is busy and he does what he can. He's taking the kids to swimming lessons tonight. I'm going out with girlfriends and I cannot wait.

Now I see. Three is busy! And I'm dizzy.

Seeing Brad with our baby is sweet. I would say sexy but that's a bit TMI. It's sexy.

I went into my room to pray when I got a minute after ballet. I wanted to say a looong prayer. I need a long, long prayer. I said the basic stuff but Afton's fussing turned into a cry and I can't concentrate on praying when she does that. So it ended up being short. I know Heavenly Father heard me anyway. Now if Afton would just have a nap I could exercise. One thing down.


  1. So about your being dizzy all the time...have you had it checked out? Maybe you're anemic or something. It might be worth looking into, because who wants to be dizzy??

  2. 1. Go to the doctor.

    2. Don't worry about what your friend thinks about the van or anything else for that matter.

    3. You're doing everything right. Saying the prayer, finding the sweet moments in all the insanity, taking your little girl to dance, feeding your baby - you're an amazing mom.

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