

Please excuse the bad pictures! We are not photographers and take most of our pictures with the iPhone. We went to Banff and made some really good memories as a family. I'll tell you one thing, we needed some time away!

Do you know that we live in the most beautiful place on earth? Right in our back yard. People pay big bucks and fly from around the world to get here.

First thing we did when we got there was go to the resort's giant play place! It was so fun the kids could have stayed there forever. 

Brad took the kids skiing. Well, he snowboarded all day while the kids were in ski lessons/tiny tigers daycare. I struggled with the idea of teaching my kids to ski because growing up there was no way we could afford it (think single mother of 6 kids going to school full time to be a writer) and yet from the time I was in elementary through Young Adulthood, all the "cool" kids skied/snowboarded. It seemed like kind of a status symbol. I would think to myself, well, if I could afford it I would snowboard! 'Cause I love stuff like that! Anyway, Brad brought me back to my senses and I'll shut-up about it now. Oh the things I hold onto from my childhood :)  Anyway, I hope sometimes we can bring a friend who otherwise couldn't go.

Ski lessons-Brad says it was pretty funny to watch. Hey, these things take time. I stayed back at the hotel room and wrote a talk on gratitude and looked out the window from time to time to see deer roaming around the grounds and a coyote with golden coat prance by. I felt the spirit really strong. I know God is real.

Out for dinner that night.

This place also had super fun waterslides but I could never catch them coming down the slide with my camera! So instead you get this picture.
I'll tell you one thing I love. Lofts. So I took a picture from the loft looking down. This is what our suite looked like after coming home from skiing and dinner and swimming. This is also Brad starting a fire in the fireplace. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing! How cozy. Don't look at his bum. Or the bacon grease all over the back of his shirt. Haha! One of our favorite things to talk about this holiday was what white trash we are. My Mom will be seriously offended by that derogatory term, but I want to remember that's what we talked about! :)
What are holidays for if not jumping on the bed? I was doing it too and it was really super fun. Especially jumping from one bed to the other. Boing!
Memories are great. They are worth it. The only thing I would change is, I would not come back more tired than when I left. Haha.


  1. Sounds like you all squeezed a lot of joy out of that little holiday! My favorite picture is the last one with Afton's tiny head poking out of her blanket. My least favorite is the one of Brad's bum poking out of his jeans.

  2. I had to laugh - when I first looked at all the stuff lying on the floor, i didn't realize that one of the things was a baby! :)

  3. So do you take back the comment about it being your least favorite? :)

  4. Fun! Vacations are seriously the best, but I agree about coming back more tired than when you left... but it's so worth it!

  5. Fun! Are you going to make it an annual event?

  6. Looks like you guys had a great little trip! And I totally know what you mean about the skiing thing, I had pretty similar experiences as a child... Grade 6 ski trip still haunts me... LOL
