
This Halloween

* This Halloween Jesse dressed up as a dinosaur. A very cool outfit. But my sister made me feel guilty because Jesse really wanted to be Spiderman.

So...after attempting to borrow a Spiderman costume from several sources, we settled on buying one.
* This Halloween we carved pumpkins, like we do every year, and made Halloween sugar cookies for the first time. My sister Candace was there for both and is great to have around!
* This Halloween we ate the most delicious lunch

Tuna wraps with cranberries, toasted almonds, red onion, celery and apples. And a mango/peach smoothie on the side. YUM! Loved by all.

* This Halloween was one of the hardest fasts I've ever done. Brad kept insisting they might have moved it to next Sunday in honor of the occasion. No such luck.
<* But we made up for it by bingeing on candy and chocolate and chips today...

*This Halloween my kids were the craziest I've ever seen them. After Jesse's preschool Halloween party (and lots of candy on the drive over), we took them to Mountain Equipment Co-Op. They ran around like maniacs and kept hiding in the rows of bikes where we couldn't reach them. Breanna has a newfound appreciation for running away and does it constantly now, giggling all the while.

*This Halloween my kids were the cutest I've ever seen them. Breanna kept saying "I'm Little Red Riding Hood!" and dancing around in her dress. Jesse kept bragging about how much candy he had: "more than Breanna." He is SUCH a wonderful big brother though, always willing to share. And even though there were some awesomely spooky houses in the neighbourhood, Jesse would insist he was not scared. I was...

*This Halloween the kids and I danced A LOT- to Monster Mash, Flying Purple People Eater, Ghostbusters and, of course, Thriller.

*And finally, this Halloween Brad quickly whipped up this little video of our fun!! Sadly there is no audio because apparently the song we used is copyrighted. Still cute though!


  1. What a wonderful family you have. What a great mom to make the holiday so much fun for the kids. This blog is sometimes the brightest spot in my day.

  2. I couldn't hear the sound on the video - is it just my computer?

  3. I'm pretty impressed with your photography skills! Who knew a photo could actually make a tuna wrap look tasty!! I love your blog, it's so cute - I found the link from Paula's!
