
Pretty Personal!

Lately I've been bumping into things. I can't remember what I'm doing from one minute to the next. The other day I put a load of laundry in the washing machine and forgot to turn it on-three, count 'em, THREE times! I cried all day at church last week, and I've been so grouchy, I actually feel (a little bit) sorry for Brad. I really feel sorry for my kids! I have mild cramping and am tired all the time, so...

I took a pregnancy test this morning.

It came back negative.


I just can't believe it. I feel pregnant, and I like to think I'm pretty in tune with my body. Brad and I just started trying again recently, knowing that we want more kids. (Ask me a week after morning sickness starts and you will not be able to convince me I was thinking clearly when I made that decision!) The only other explanation, I can think, is that I've been getting a lot less sleep lately and that I have the worst, mega-super-over-the-top bad PMS of my life.

As you can tell, I've decided to be honest about my pregnancy joys and struggles on this blog (mostly the struggles!) I'm hoping it will help me cope, and I'm sure my Mom is hoping I will call her less in the depths of despair. This is the first in a series of entries about those experiences.


  1. Maybe it is just early & you'll get your positive still? It sucks that PMS symptoms are pretty much the same as pregnancy symptoms.
    You guys have beautiful babies & I am excited you will be gracing the world with another Gough presence!

  2. I think they should include this in books about pregnancy:
    You may experience the following symptoms early in your pregnancy:
    - nausea
    - fatigue
    - irritability
    - memory loss
    - bumping into things (that one made me laugh)
