
Hello, Good-bye


I've been thinking lately I don't want to have a blog anymore.

I think if I had something important to say, if I was an expert in, say, economics or family home evening, and people came to my blog to be educated, that would be a good reason to have one. If I was a really witty political commentator that would be a good reason to have one. If I was talented at quilting or sewing and people came to my blog to be inspired or learn a skill, that would be a good reason to have one. If I was selling something or making money, that would be a good reason to have one. If I was doing family history and wanted information to be available for other people, that would be a good reason to have one. If I had family or friends far away and wanted to keep them updated, that would be a good reason to have one. If I was using it as a journal for my family that would be a good reason to have one. Or if I had a tonne of friends and a very interesting, dramatic life I was willing to share details of with the world, that would be a good reason to have one.

Sadly, none of those applies to me. It's starting to feel incredibly narcissistic to have a blog when no one really cares what I have to say, mostly because I have nothing much to say. Especially since I've just been through one of the hardest couple months of my life and I can't say anything about it on here. So I only blog the good parts of my life? Not my style. I'm much too honest for that, let's just say I'm much too honest! To my own detriment and embarrassment at times.

The thing with me is, I change my mind all the time. I'm okay with that. I live my life according to the knowledge I have currently attained. So who knows, I might just find a new focus and decide it's a good idea again. Can anyone give me a good reason to keep my blog, because I probably would if I got a good one!

Now what to do about facebook. I HATE FACEBOOK!! :)


  1. I read it. I liked it.

    Let me tell you why I have a blog (and not the one that you linked too, how flattering!). It took a few entries to find my grove, but finally I realized that I'm bad at remembering the funny stuff that doesn't really matter to anyone but me but one day my kids might be happy they found it, and it's not in a book form that someone has to do something with it or decide to throw it away. It's the inconsequental stuff that one day someone might want to know. And I assume no one really wants to know about it now, so that's why I've never advertised, but if you look closely, you'll find it, but only if you want to :)

  2. You never know-- sometimes, people will be reading you and you won't even know it! ;) Maybe they find your life ... "very interesting and dramatic"? :P

    Glad you visit me...
    if you keep writing, I'll visit ya back.

  3. Sarah,
    Your blog is one that I frequently stalk-by…I think it is great, I hope that this is not a “goodbye”, but just a “see ya later”. But I totally know you’re feeling…Each time I do a new post I regret it and then I commit myself to never blog again. I have no idea why I blog either…not for any of the reasons you mentioned above….
    But every now and then (usually late late at night when I have no one else to talk to), I crave it again.
    Right now, if I wasn’t trying desperately to refrain from blogging, I could blog about typewriters, record players, Beautiful Paul, the girls at work, the writing on the stairs, my $20 teacup, Chaim starting school, Oscar’s “I love you”, summer fun, cottage design, Bed and Breakfasts…and the list goes on….I definitely think it is the inconsequential stuff for me…the stuff that just floats around in my head while I am driving or walking or up late at night….for me it is the stuff that, though no one else may care, I have been thinking of lately---and blogging helps me purge it in a way.
    But truth be told, my favourite blogs to read are the inconsequential stuff too (i.e. The Apron Stage…I adore!!!)
    When I think about blogging and facebook, I also worry about the whole…”is this narcissistic?” thing….But A few weeks ago I was at an Enrichment meeting and Signe (in reference to a possible upcoming activity), said “everyone likes to be in the spotlight…even for just a few minutes”… I liked that!!! And the next time I blog, I will unabashedly be saying “excuse me world, if any one cares, I have something very important to say!!!!
    Well, (this is getting a little long) I am sorry to hear that its been a tough summer…I hope things are looking up now….and I hope we will hear from you every now an then…I think you have a lot of really important things to say, and I enjoy reading your blog.

  4. Well I can feel my mind changing already. Uh- Debbi?! I am so flattered! Do you actually read my blog or did you just hear about my rudeness from somewhere else? ;) Thank for being a good sport. I'm sorry. Thank for being vulnerable like SO many of us are scared to be.

  5. You've made me wonder what the reason is I blog-
    I have yet to decide...
    All I know is that I love seeing you have updated!

  6. One of the hard things about the modern culture we live in is that it's so isolated. In the olden days, kids ran out onto the street whenever possible to play with other kids, who were all over the place. Now, kids are indoors playing video games. And there just aren't as many kids, anyway. Before, people got together to play cards or just talk. Now, people stay in and watch on of hundreds of channels on their enormous TVs. Why make an effort to reach out when you've got google at your fingertips? I think blogs are popular because it's a way to connect in this very isolating screen culture. That's why blogging is cool, in my opinion. And your blog is one of my faves. I like the way you "wonder" a lot.
