
Favourite Things

I know we can't take our possessions with us when we die. But these are some "things", and when I say "things" I mean 100% material goods, that make my life a little more pleasurable:

1. My steam mop:

I LOVE MY STEAM MOP!! I want to shout it from the tops of the mountains! Everyone should have one. I wouldn't have bought it for myself but my generous sister Rachel spent way too much on my Christmas present last year and bought me one. It cleans and sanitizes your floor with the greatest of ease.

2. My wedding ring:

When we were planning on getting engaged Brad was working 3 jobs so he could afford to buy me a ring and I had just quit broadcasting school (after finishing my degree) and was looking for a job. We couldn't afford to spend much on a ring. I was a bit sad since I knew I had to live with it forever. Which is why I was SO happy when we found this ring. You can't really see but it is a white and yellow gold band with a little diamond in the middle. It was so simple yet elegant and I love it because I can wear it everywhere doing anything (washing dishes, working out, etc.). Only problem is right now it doesn't fit. Darn ten pounds.

3. My first real piece of original art (so it was only $50 but it is art to me):

When I saw this I knew I had to have it. It's SO me. It says "I wonder to myself a lot". It's just beautiful, in my opinion. I want MORE from Childlike Wisdom!!

4. The knobs on my kitchen cupboards.

Sadly, Brad hates them. But I love them. I am aaaallll about color and sparkle and originality. To me these have it all.

5. My diaper bag:

My dad gave it to me when I had Jesse. I still love it and it's still just as good as new 2 kids and lots of craziness later.

Well that's it for me! What are YOUR favourite "things"??


  1. I am very interested in that steam mop. Currently, I am stuck in a hate/hate relationship with my hardwood. What brand is it? Also, I love the knobs on your cupboards & I understand about the ring. Salad needs to be my friend for a month or two so I can get mine OFF. So sad...
    Glad to see your decision on blogging!

    Sarah B

  2. My favorite thing is Uniball pens, medium point, blue. I can't write a thing without them anymore. You can't find them in every store, and I will go from store to store to find them when I run out. So I try not to run out - I have about seven on hand right now. I'd love to know how to get one of those mops, too.

  3. Ha ha Mom I love it. It's so true about you.
    And Sarah, the brand of my steam mop is called an Ocean Sales deluxe steam mop and it's awesome...but I'm not sure where to buy them as my sister got it for me. Rachel? I know you read this!! :)

  4. You can find them online at Smart Living Ocean Sales. But they cose $150! Yikes. I'll have to save up.
