

Anyone who knows me knows I have stood as a supporter of President Bush through good times and bad. He wasn't perfect, but I still feel strongly that he was a man of God with good character who did wonderful things for his country and withstood a great deal of negativity from the people of his beloved country whom he labored diligently to serve for 8 years. I think what he said will come true: "history will prove me out." So these are for anyone who feels as I do (anyone? anyone?....) p.s. Brad always gets at me for putting copyrighted things on here but it got sent to me in a forward so I'll take the chance :)


  1. Interesting stuff. I'm partial to believing that he will be a respected president in history as well.

    I'm reading The Audacity of Hope right now. Have you read it? It's leaving me confused...

  2. I will agree that the level of public political discourse hit an all-time low the past few years. No one seemed to be able to articulate anything more intelligent than, "Bush is a moron."

    This is what I think: in that moment after 9-11, the United States could have changed history forever. Except for some extremist groups, the whole world sympathized with the United States, the whole world watched to see how the U.S., the country of the great democratic experiment, would handle this. What if at that moment we had experimented with peace? What if instead of war we had instigated dialogue, sought for understanding? Sometimes I fantasize that we could have been the first human beings to bring an end to the culture of war. Now we'll never know. Now we Americans have a president we feel we can look up to, a man we think has integrity. I hope we're right.

  3. Mom, you are such a hippy, and I love you for it!!! Jill-no I haven't read The Audacity of Hope except for skimming a few lines at Chapters. Is it because everything he says in the book sounds good but really says nothing?

  4. It's true. I even still wear bell bottoms, though I no longer own a peace sign. :)Thanks for loving me anyway.
