
The Old Man and The Sea

This book is in my head. I feel like the Old Man is living inside my heart right now and won't leave. 

Ostensibly, it's about an old man (which I'm not), fishing (which I practically care nothing about) in the sea (which I've seen probably twice in my life) and baseball (which I really care nothing about); but it gripped me and it won't let me go. There are many metaphors, but if there's one thing about this book I can pin down it's that I feel stronger after reading it. 

But don't ask me why.


  1. You have good taste. I read the book many years ago, but the feeling it gave me is still with me. It might be the shortest book to ever win the Pulitzer Prize, which is proof that long doesn't mean better.

  2. That's what she said

  3. You need to come to book club!! Obviously you like reading and are very intelligent and could add a lot to our discussions! We are reading "the secret life of Bee's" (not about bees by the way) this month, meeting 3rd thursday in march. Just a little invitation for ya! And thanks so much for watching Keyrai the other day!
