

We're not too crafty around here, but we still have some messy fun.

I let Jesse use good paint because the colors are so much more vibrant than the cheap kid stuff
 Good old cornstarch and water, we call it "goo" and Jesse loves it.

Breanna just gets into everything, like Jesse she's not interested in what she should be doing, but in pushing the limits and seeing what she could be doing. Her favorite things include my makeup drawer, anything out of the dishwasher, pulling videos and DVD's out of the hutch, anything small enough to put in her mouth, and anything that can be climbed on, in, or through.


  1. Little B reminds me of a little girl with red hair whom I once knew...

    What a fun mum!

  2. actually this is Paula, not Brett!

    Interesting blog Sarah! I don't know how you make it so cute! It takes me way too long these days to do anything at all with my blog so I am just trying to enjoy others! Thanks for all your insights and thought-provoking ideas.
