
All the pretty pictures

We had family pictures done. I love them and thought Jocelyn (Jocelyn Fox Photography) did a great job despite a very uncooperative Breanna.

There were lots of good ones to choose from but I think we might use this one to blow up in our living room:

It's very posed but I like that we're all looking and smiling. Doesn't happen too often with kids. For some reason I'm suddenly craving mini-eggs...

We've been having so much fun lately. We went to Calaway Park for my brother's birthday and we all had a BLAST! Best time to go is a Friday night, especially when the forecast calls for rain and it doesn't end up raining! Even the melted ice cream cake in cups because I forgot plates turned out to be a hit:

This is my brother and his fiance, they are so tall and georgous I can't help but think they must be vampires, Twilight style.

Jesse L-O-V-E-S rides. The scarier the better. It is sooo fun to watch. Not so fun when it's time to leave!! And Breanna's favorite part was playing in (and drinking from) the puddle with her squeezable little cousin Evie.

Last but not least, this is my sister Candace and brother Derek reading my kids books before bed. I know I have the best brothers and sisters :)


  1. Wow, what a gorgeous family...
    the picture of Breanna and the dandelion doesn't even seem real. Hope you get a few extras for other family members!

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love the one where Jesse is cuddling on your shoulder.
    I haven't been to Calaway Park in ages. It sounds like you had fun.

  3. Wow no wonder you feel so content with life! What beautiful kids- and you get to keep them forever :)

    Calaway park was a blast. I hope we get another day like again in the near future! Such good memories for all of us.
