
Today Brad came home from work and I hadn't even started supper. So, he asked,

"What did you do all day?"

Lucky for both of us he was joking, but it got me wondering, what would really happen if I did nothing all day. Watched TV and such. Well, it just so happens I fell asleep for twenty minutes while reading books to the kids this afternoon, and I got a small sampling, as this was my floor when I woke up:

Yes, Afton is in the pull-herself-up-on-stuff-and-get-into-everything stage. This time it was Breanna's leftover peas from lunch, her water, her entire container of yogurt spread across the floor and the dirt from the plant-less plant pot. Luckily she is also in "THE CUTEST STAGE EVER!!!!" (I couldn't help myself) because it's barely even frustrating she's so dang cute. Not to mention she was the happiest baby in the world when I woke up after letting loose on my living room. So I washed my floors, and that's what I did, Brad.

Here's my happy baby at her happiest:

Mom she is like you! When I looked at this series of pictures her eyes are closed in almost every one! Maybe it's genetic...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what's cuter - Afton, or you enjoying Afton. Love the picture of the floor, too. Wow, you sure get time to blog when you don't have young women's on your mind!
