
This is why I love Calgary:

Swimsuits on the beach in the morning, thunder and downpour in the afternoon. Sunshine and backyard fun before supper, thunderstorms and rain after supper. Decide I can't go for my run and start another workout in my basement after the kids are in bed. Go upstairs for some water, see the rain has stopped. 
Go for my run. Home just in time for the rain to start again.

I know I talk about my runs in fish creek park lots but they really are heavenly. One thing I love is the chance that I might see wildlife. Yesterday I was all alone down there. Except for the birds and the deer, that is. This deer parked itself right beside the pathway. That's when I stop thinking "aw, look at the pretty deer" and start thinking "oh crap. Look at the scary evil deer." I shouted and stomped my feet and did jumping jacks but this deer was not going to move  (can you see her in the picture? She was actually much closer than it looks in the picture but I couldn't zoom in because I was using the iPhone). Worst of all, after all my jumping and shouting this deer did not take her eyes off of me! So it was either turn around and risk getting rained on (it had started to thunder again at this point) or pass the deer. It took all my courage to creep past that deer! I thought I was going to die, but I said to myself, if I die, I die happy. The deer didn't move but she sure stared me down.

And that is my deer story.

After the rain after my run stopped:

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Loved this post - the funny parts and the tender parts and the beginning, middle and end. Thanks.
