
I think the last time my family did "family pictures" was, oh, seven years ago? So it's funny to be part of a family that seizes every opportunity for a family picture.

I like this recent one at my new nephew Evan's baby blessing, because it was the best one of the bunch but as you may note, Brad is making a face somewhat similar to the little girl in the second row, third from the right. He was trying to imitate the face she tends to make in every picture, a running family joke. (That's Heidi, I talked about her in the last post). Thanks, Brad. I love my in-laws. We have fun together.

Do you love those little red cowboy boots Afton wore to Brad's work stampede breakfast? I think they belonged to Brad's sisters when they were babies. Look at how savvy I am. Vintage stuff. Wow me. Could I have co-ordinated the outfit better? Maybe. But luckily she's cute no matter what!
 Jesse loved his face-painting job, and it did look really cool. When we got home he got me a tea towel and a shoelace and a butter knife and made me put it on him like this. He cried when we had to wash it off and he also got a real black eye from Brad trying to rub off the black paint.
One of the kids took this picture of our garden and I like being surprised by all the random pictures on our camera thanks to my kids. I love our little garden so it made the cut. I hadn't weeded yet this day but I'm pretty obsessive about keeping weeds out of this garden usually.
Here's another random picture I found of me washing the dishes. Not sure who took it (and my underwear's kinda showing), but I had to post it, and I'll tell you why. I was surprised by how small my butt is! Vain? Yes. Do I want to document it for future reference? Uhm, yes!! I'm not sure if this picture is accurate but I'll take it!

Just FYI, here's a link to my workouts. I LOVE Lindsay Brin. Her workouts are amazing, she really does her research, and she comes out with a new workout every month for only $5. I started doing them right after I had my baby and was able to start slow but she is still kicking my butt 5 months later. If you want to get in shape, she is such a good resource. Trust me!!

I weaned Afton this week. It just sort of happened. We fed her a bottle one night and she took it so well that we kept feeding her bottles. It's definitely bitter sweet. I love breastfeeding and am going to miss it so much. Not to mention I go a LIIIIIITTTTTTTTLE bit PSYCHO in the months after I wean as my hormones adjust. Also bittersweet, I got released from my calling. I know it was time, but I love those girls so much. I hope they remember that I loved them.

So, after Young Women's camp and the roadshow (which was basically my baby, on top of my actual baby, for a while there) was over my life kind of came to a lurching halt. I'm making a new life plan and it involves mostly soaking up every wonderful summer day with my kids!!! Also hopefully more blog posts so I can stop posting the smorgasbord of pictures and random thoughts ! 


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on weaning Afton and on having a cute little butt and on a weedless garden and on having the funnest in-law family ever.

    On a side note,I know so many people who tell me they read your blog every day, but they never say anything. People may not comment, but this blog is a daily and joyful part of lot's of peoples day.
