
 Playing at the Temple
 Eating outside the temple
 On our hike up to Forum Lake we came across this stuff we haven't seen in a while and I realized quickly how much I do not miss it yet!
 This long green piece of cloth is the thing I carried Afton up the mountain in. She was happy as can be the whole way, sometimes she would kick her legs and arms and just look around when she was facing forward and when she got tired I turned her around and she snuggled me and fell right asleep. I love it!
Happy Family-Jesse also didn't complain even one time! And neither did Brad, even though he carried Breanna on his shoulders almost the whole time.
Climbing up beside Forum Falls.

Canoeing on Waterton Lake after the hike.

I didn't get a picture but we went and did "beading" at Crandell Lake Campground, in a tent with 2 ladies from different Native American Tribes in the Waterton area. We made headdresses and got to see a buffalo pelt and talked a lot about Native American culture and the way it was "in the dog days" (before horses) Also, the first night we went up to Cameron Lake at Midnight to look at the stars and they were amazing. So many and so bright.  But we all got ourselves in a tizzy talking about bears and were too scared to really enjoy it for long. Now I regret that, but it's funny to look back on :)

Warming my hands by the fire and wearing my favourite new camping shirt. It has a hood and pockets and it's nice and soft. We stayed in the trailer and I actually had a good sleep EVERY night! Cushy.
How Grandma took care of Afton so she didn't crawl into the water while we were at Lost Horse Creek. Yet another use for the hippy wrap, thanks to her ingenuity! :)

Lost Horse Creek-the kids had so much fun playing in the water even though the water is, I'm telling you, not just cold, F-R-eezing.  And Brad and I jumped all the way in, here's the proof for posterity (Brad didn't want me to post his):

 This was the highlight of our trip! Thanks to Jill and Karen for watching our kids so we could go on a date! It was SO fun!! First we climbed Bear's Hump (in 18 minutes no less) and talked a lot and just enjoyed each other. We found a secluded spot with a good view and kissed (a lot) at the top (sorry guys, but it was fun!) and then picked wild raspberries on the way down. They didn't taste very good. Then we rode our bikes into town (it was downhill and so fun!) and went and got some fudge. It was called "Grasshopper Pie"- Mint, Oreo, White chocolate and caramel all in one delicious yummy YUMMINESS. Neither of us have been able to stop thinking about it since. We rode our bikes to Cameron Falls and had a good laugh at this sign:
 DANGER!! People dancing with deer!
 Then we hopped on our bikes and rode back to our campsite as the sun set. There's a new path and it was SO FUN! The view is amazing and there's lots of hills where you can't help but go "Weeeeeee!"
 See this bear? Yesterday we were riding our bikes on the path back into town and Jesse was on the back of Brad's on a tandem bike. This bear was walking along right beside the path! Luckily Grandma stopped to take pictures because when that bear finally stood up and looked right at us we booked it into the car until it went away. We saw about 7 bears this trip! One was a little cub stuck in a tree.

The kids had so much fun running around and playing, being free to do whatever they wanted.

I'm sure there's more I want to remember but I have to go to bed. I'm so glad we got to spend some time together as a family and I can't wait to go back to the most beautiful place on earth.


  1. What a great holiday, Sarah! It sounds so... healthy and wholesome. When it's cold and snowy in a few months, I'll come back to this post and it will make me happy.

  2. I love Waterton! I'm glad you guys had such a fabulous time -- I'm thinking a date night sounds perfect right about now...

  3. Good pictures from the weekend. It was a fun time.
