
Jesse's little lego Indy is pretty precious around here. He's been lost and, with prayer, found, several times. This last time he was lost for a couple of weeks in between me changing the kids' sheets and found when I stepped on him making the bed. I put him on the dresser in the kids' room for Jesse to discover. He was super happy and showed his dad. I overheard Brad talking to Jesse and he said, "you can play with Indy, but when you're done playing with him, give him back to me so you don't lose him. We want to keep Indy safe because when you're all grown up Mommy and Daddy will look at him and remember you when you were a kid. And we will probably cry." After the kids were in bed that night I heard one of the kids crying softly. I called and asked whoever it was to come to me. Silence. I called again. Silence. I called again and finally Jesse came out to me. I held him on my lap and snuggled him and asked him what was the matter. He cried some more before finally saying:

"I just want to be a kid forever!"

He went on, holding his little lego Indiana Jones in his had, "I don't want to grow up. I just love this little guy so much!"

It broke my heart! He gets it, how awesome it is to be a kid. And he is the best kid ever. He has so much fun, every day, being one protagonist or another. He really embraces childhood and life with so much passion. It makes me want to hold him in my arms and cry:

"I want him to be a kid forever! I don't want him to grow up, I just love this little guy so much!"

The most important thing to Jesse is his "friends" (his cousins). After a day at the zoo today I asked him what his favorite place was and he said, my friends are my favorite place, meaning, wherever my friends are is my favorite place. Which is why it's a little sad that one of his best friends is moving far far away to Texas. My kids adore their Mason cousins. We'll miss you guys, but we'll see you lots still I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. You broke my heart. In half.
