If you said, Jesse's new pet SWAN, then you are correct, and yes, he came up with this on his own and out of the blue.
And this, my friends, is what his pet swan does when it is mad:
Last night I was reading a book to the kids about 2 girls in a refugee camp in Pakistan who become friends and one of them gets chosen to go to America. Well, I'm reading this book and I started crying. Lame I know, but I couldn't help it! So I said to the kids, "Sorry guys, I'm not sad, I'm just grateful that we have freedom and it's sad that some kids don't..." but I couldn't stop crying! Poor Breanna just stared at me with these big blue eyes the whole time. She looked so concerned as I blubbered on. Then suddenly she broke her silence and with those seriously big blue eyes still looking so concerned she said,
I laughed so hard.
Also the other day the kids were in the back yard playing with the water. They had been out there in their swimsuits for a long time so when Breanna came in I said, do you want to get dressed? She looked at me solemnly and said, "No. I want to stay in my swimsuit....forever."
Today we were walking with the kids at Fish Creek Park and we'd been walking for a long time when Jesse said "I'm so tired of walking!" Breanna, who's leisurely sitting on Brad's shoulders says, "If you're tired of walking, why don't you run?"
So we were at the lake the other day and there's all these teenage girls walking around in bikinis. Breanna's looking at them for a while when she says "When I get bigger I'm going to wear an unmodest swimsuit." Haha. AH! I tried to explain to her why we always dress modest and then said, "See? Mommy's wearing a modest swimsuit." She sort of nodded but gave me this look like "yah but I don't want to look like you, I want to look like them." Oh dear! :)