
This is getting ridiculous! I need to do a blog post! But here's the thing, and perhaps you can relate.

I'm going along, do-de-do, living life and life is getting good. Really good. Everything seems to be falling into place making the hard work of the past year and a half worth it. I go to bed one night and eat an entire big bag of mini-mini eggs while reading a good book. Life was good! It was so good! And only getting better!

Well, I'm pretty sure Life saw the situation and went, hmmmmm...this girl needs a good, solid trial.

One trial for you, Sarah!

I woke up the next morning feeling really groggy, exhausted, irritable, nauseous and then the stomach cramps began. Fatigue, nausea, stomach cramps. I thought maybe it was the flu but 3 weeks later, I knew it wasn't the flu. They still don't know what it is. So whatever. It's gotten better this past week so I'm back at life again. Thank goodness, because life is so, well, good.

I can't help but talk about my precious baby. She is something else, I'm telling you. She has an old soul. Sometimes my very un-cuddly, busy baby suddenly hugs me. Then she just talks to me and gently snuggles some more. Yes, we knew each other in heaven.

So now you know my excuse, I'll be blogging again. So stay tuned :)


  1. I'm glad you're better. That real rain cloud outside just got a little better because of your funny, tender, wonderful post.

  2. Glad it's getting better. Hope they get it figured out!
