
Rediscovered: Water

Oh life, you are so good to us little people.
Being caught with plumber's butt and your shoes on the wrong feet and your hair a mess isn't embarrassing...it's cute. But only for so long, my little one. Then life gets freaking hard and people are jerks. 
But that's okay because you can always trust your Saviour and lean on him. No matter what.


  1. "Then life gets hard and people are jerks" made me laugh. So blunt, and so true! Cute kiddos you have there, and yay for weather warm enough to bust out the hose!

  2. I love this last picture! Plumbers bum and shoes on the wrong feet, priceless!

    PS. Thanks for your comment about my last post, I am always surprised with the lack of comments in regard to these sorts of posts.
