
What a dumb guy. Seriously.

If you find it hard to believe that someone just broke up with this buxom beauty, you're not alone.
Not only is she beautiful, fun and kind, she's the best auntie. She takes the kids (mine and Rachel's) out on one-on-one dates all the time and they love her. She loves all kids and all kinds of people. She has a strong testimony of the gospel and strives to live it in every aspect of her life. 
Heaven knows us sisters have had our share of trials but this girl is STRONG. And things will only get better and better for her. She will only get better and better.
She is a sign-language interpreter for a profession and watching her is like watching a professional dancer-beautiful! She's also a makeup artist extraoirdinaire and makes even the most difficult subject (ahem-me) look her best, or worst, if it's halloween and that's what you're after. She has so many other talents, too.
So even though she was dating a really good guy, someone even BETTER who you love ten times more will come along soon, Candace, and he'll be worth the wait. Oh, and one last picture.
Because it wouldn't be complete without us embarrassing ourselves would it?


  1. She does deserve the best, and fortunately, the best realized it and they got back together. Love the photos!
