
This picture makes me so happy. I couldn't have imagined up a more perfect little girl. Only God could create this precious, sweet, bright, charming... little princess. I love you, Breanna!

And here's my boy. My brave, sweet, wise, gorgeous little thing of a boy, who says to me, with tears in his eyes "Mom, if you yell, the spirit will go away!"(Just imagine the guilt)

This weekend my sister-in-law Melissa stayed at our house. I really enjoy her company, she's so easy to get along with- and I admire her in many ways. I wish I had been as smart as her when I was a Young Adult. Funny, we went for a run and accidentally ended up in the Harvest Half Marathon! People were cheering for us, saying "great job only 2 kilometers to go, you're almost done!" and we went right along with it. I was struggling to keep up with her but I couldn't very well quit running when I had only run 7 kilometres and we were running alongside people who had just run 19! We were only a little embarrassed when everyone else turned and we went straight...we were like, "just don't make eye contact..." Eek!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with my family. They are the coolest people. I was chastised a couple of times. My brother-in-law told me I needed to read President Uchdorf's talk on anger in the priesthood session and everyone got on my case for trying to have debates about the existence of God with my facebook friends. Sufficiently humbled :(  My Mom gave me a really nice card that said lots of nice things about me to make up for it though! :)

Best of all, I was definitely uplifted and filled with the spirit as I listened to prophets and apostles. It fills my heart, and I am awed by the gospel and by the Plan of Salvation. How very grateful I am to have these amazing gifts in my life. I can't wait to listen to and read these talks over and over and write their words upon my heart.


  1. That is hilarious you started running with the half-marathoners. I felt so sorry for them when it started snowing but the girls wanted to go outside in it so we cheered for them from our deck. I wonder if we were outside when you ran by?

  2. Mothers should never spoil family dinners by chastising. (The guilt never goes away.)

    It's wonderful to see how much you adore your little children and the Lord's servants and your sister-in-law. And life.

  3. I am jealous that you are a runner. I wish I found it as thrilling as you do. Good job on the half marathon this weekend...ha ha.
    I heard that the preisthood session was soo amazing...I can't wait to have access to all the talks...particularly President Uchdorf's...I think that one especially is one for me. I can be a real hot head sometimes. How some people can keep their calm and cool and remain graceful under difficult situations, is one thing that has always evaded me. Here's hoping i can learn a thing or two.
