
More stuff

Well it's nice to know that I'm not alone. I think connecting with friends is a very good idea. In fact I did it quite a bit last week and I indeed felt a lot better. I truly believe I associate with some of the most amazing women on the planet. I know we are all imperfect but I don't think anyone needs to be perfect to be amazing. I just think the women in my life are good, non-judgemental, and they are doing their best and they are wonderful mothers. Those are rare things in this world. Anyway, because of your responses I'm going to file that advice "connect with friends" in the little filing cabinet in my brain labeled "things to improve on." I fully believe that just having it there there helps :)

I'm not finished my investigation on happiness and I will let you know what I learn. So far I have learned some important things. I may not be applying them yet, but I have learned them!

One important thing I have realized is that the Holy Ghost helps us to feel happiness and peace. I don't know why but I forgot about that for a while. I think as I try to have the spirit in my life, perhaps keeping the commandments a little better, it will lead to happiness because the spirit will be closer.

I think one of my biggest barrier to happiness right now is stress. It makes me grouchy and not nice to my family. Sometimes by Thursday I'm so stressed I can't calm down, no matter how much down time I try to take. One way I've thought to deal with it is to try meditation. I have been using it lately to relax and it really is helping, but I have to delve deeper into it.  I also have some other ideas brewing in my mind that involve packing up my family and friends and moving to a colony to live together and take care of each other better because I'm sorry but our society isn't set up to support stay-at-home mothers. Anyone in?

My investigation is actually taking me in some different directions, such as unconditional love, forgiveness and patience. But you know, one thing at a time.

I'm feeling better and I'm doing better. And moving in that direction makes me excited for things to come! Now onto Afton.

If only cameras could capture personality, because this kid has so much of it.

Imagine, you've just put her to bed and everything is silent. Aaaaaah...Then about half an hour later when you think you're in the clear, she comes out of her room like this:

And the next night, she makes her way downstairs where you are watching TV like this:

Let's just say Brad and I always have a good laugh.

If only she could always stay small enough to fit in the plant pot with no plant!

She joined Breanna at ballet class for parent watch week:


  1. Loved this. I love Afton. The pictures DO capture her personality. She is such a delight! And I agree with your ideas on happiness. I especially like the 'unconditional' part. That's something that keeps impressing on me more and more.

  2. Beautiful post from a beautiful soul. I agree that our modern culture is not the least bit helpful to women who want to be stay-at-home moms.

  3. Hey! Do you read A Blog About Love? I can't stop thinking about last Friday's post about choosing happiness. Light bulbs for me!
