This is old news. We went camping. But I have to blog about it and here's some pictures, in no particular order...
The first night we hiked bear's hump. Breanna walked up the whole way. I get so nervous up there especially with strong wind. I prayed and prayed for no wind but alas-the first night was so windy it broke our tent poles and Brad and I didn't sleep one wink. But honestly? It made for good memories now that I look back on it!
Afton's such a trooper, she wouldn't go to bed alone in the tent so she waited until after dark every day to go to bed with the other kids. She was always the first one up, would look over at Mom and Dad and say "hi!" with a big smile. It might make you tired to think about having a toddler while camping but she was happy and cute the whole trip.
It may just be cheerios but when you're camping it's gourmet!
We hiked up to Bertha Lake with the kids. I had to hold a napping Afton for the first while. Someone was always carrying a child. It was a lot of work but so worth the memory. We saw this bear on the way up. I was holding Breanna's hand and noticed it right beside the pathway, I could have petted it but didn't. This is when it had moved down the hill a bit.
We went geocaching and we are officially no longer muggles. We love it!
Brad's family showed up for a couple of nights and we had some beautiful weather and swimming in the lake.
Proof: Brad swam in the lake. This is my favorite picture :)
No Bears are Out Tonight! Best camping game ever. Brad makes a scary bear!
Chilling by the fire. The first couple of nights we were with our friends the Heningers. My favorite moments were sitting out here on windless nights after the kids were all in bed and talking and looking at the millions of stars.
What camping is all about.
Bear has to get in the water too.
Big mistake. Candy before the drive home.
When camping was over we headed to Taber for a fun pool party in Grandma's back yard.
Then got to eat the first corn of the year! True Taber blood here!!
Your kids are so darn lucky! All those wonderful memories of camping - what a blessing for them.