
Family Fun

We've spent the last 4 days with the Masons and I have so many cute pictures I don't know which to choose. It was just so much fun to have them here! Two of the best days were Lexi's baptism and Lucas's blessing. I don't have any pictures from those days so Rachel and Candace, if you do please share. I spoke at Lexi's baptism and it was such an honour. Seeing her big blue eyes looking up at me as I spoke I was awed by her beautiful, sweet spirit and that of her friend Chloe and felt a weight of responsibility. I know the Holy Ghost helped me. The next thing I will never forget is *shopping*. First of all it was hilarious because Rachel and I showed up at the mall in matching outfits- me in a fluorescent green sweater and Rachel in a fluorescent pink one! (Post the pic on facebook Rachel and TAG me! You know you want to!) Both with jean capris. Nnnot planned!  Rachel basically tore the lid off my close-minded fashion niche and I entered a world I haven't for a while, trendy. Yes I bought 2 pairs of brightly coloured pants, people. After that we went for dinner and it was great. I loved being with everyone, we laughed and really enjoyed one another. Again, photos please! Lucas's baby blessing was beautiful and I think hanging out at their little townhouse afterward was something like the miracle of the five fish and two loaves, except in terms of space, because somehow we all fit and comfortably ate delicious food. Impressive. That night I knew I was tired and my family was tired but now I know for next time: no stopping when the Masons are here. I'm glad I didn't stop because we had a great time at the fireworks. There was a sudden torrential downpour (not sure what that is so maybe I'm exaggerating but it rained a ton) We could see blue sky the whole time so we sat in our respective family cars and waited. As suddenly as it came it left, and so I had to laugh when I read the texts between Brad and Rachel:

I do have pictures from that so I will post them here:

Girls posing in their PJ's...

while the boys have a pillow fight downstairs.

Best Cousin Friends

Climbing Nana's Tree 

Waiting for fireworks

The next day we went on a picnic and a little family hike in the Kananaskis. Jesse said "I love this place, I never want to leave."

Breanna and Afton waiting for the food.

Not sure what is going on here with Uncle Derek and Aunt Katie but the girls obviously loved it! (ps more matching, yay!)

I loved seeing Hunter with his home-made bow and arrow. I know Hunter has some awesome toys but this has got to be a favorite, he never left home without it!

Just a cute picture of my beautiful boy. Him and Hunter were determined to catch a gopher. 

And my adorable dirty-faced girl-my favorite thing, she waves and says "HI!" now with the cutest smile whenever she sees someone important to her. Here she is saying "Neeeee!" which is her version of "cheese". She is such a trooper she hardly complained the whole time she was being dragged around and missing naps. She also walked the entire way down on the hike.

Nana: "Are you made of straw or are you made of bricks?" She tells the story to the littlest ones before every family hike, it's tradition.

These two were the "leaders" on the hike and they stayed in front the whole time.

Uncle Derek and Breanna climbing up, Evie is in front on Aunt Katie's shoulders. It's okay if we're a little bit made of straw, hey Nana?

Made it to the top, let's throw rocks!

Derek and Katie being cute.

Next day we went to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump-one of my favorite places on earth. I love the native culture and the way they used to live, I used to want to be an little native girl so that place always sparks my imagination :)

It's so windy there-the windiest place in Canada-FACT: it is only calm there 14% of the time.

Nana reading a Napi story.

This teepee was my favourite part and I think the kids' favorite part too-that and eating the buffalo burger YUM! I have to go back for another one soon!

Note my brightly coloured pants.

The girls putting on a play/dance. I have several pictures like this and I wish I could post them all. I also wish we would have let them finish the "play". Why we are always in such a rush I do not know.

Here was where we said good-bye to the Masons until Christmas. Can't wait to see them again! And now I have my last of 7 neglected loads of laundry to fold... but it was so worth it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Sarah, for being the record-keeper of our family - taking so many great pictures and telling the stories. We had a wonderful time and these pictures reminded me of some of the moments.
