
Uncensored today

Why I don't like pinterest: It just makes me want things I can't have, don't have time for-will never ever have time for, and aren't really important anyway. The pictures of the food always look so good. But do they taste good? Hm. Plus so many of the photos of women are so photoshopped, I guaruntee there are girls in the world right now staring at those pictures of girls in bikinis/work-out clothes going wow, what's wrong with me? (I'm not one of them, because they are so obviously photoshopped, but some girls might not know that, or know how much of an effect it can have.)



The most insecure cartoon character ever.  Look how much damage Lucy did.

Speaking of self image.

I'm really mad because I gain weight first in my thighs, and of course by sitting around this last while I've gained weight. In my thighs. This means I get these disproportionately big thighs while the rest of me stays the same. I wish I could get like a cute little belly and chubby arms and be one of those gain weight all over people. And I don't care if that sounds ungrateful, I'm not censoring today.

While I"m not censoring, I love the new mormonad youth video, "Deep Beauty". I think it's inspiring. But, it made me feel kind of bad about myself. Plus it completely overlooks the atonement in the equation. I've been reading a lot of the Book of Mormon lately, especially Alma. And everything I read talks about relying on the Savior, repentance and the Atonement. The ones who spiritually glow, glow because of repentance, not because of anything you can do of yourself. Any young woman or old woman for that matter who ever doubts her worthiness, who has weaknesses and makes mistakes, whose husband doesn't look at her like that, who feels insecure and is maybe even straying from the path would watch that video and think "I'm not a queen. That is not me." Plus I can't stand the typical molly mormon-looking girls in the video. Very few Mormon girls look like that, and they just don't make those clothes, sheesh!

So now it's clear, sometimes I am insecure and especially around that time of the month.


  1. Sarah you make me laugh. When sitting/lying down your legs will look bigger than they are, I promise it takes a lot longer than a few days of being in bed for you to turn into a hippo :P

  2. Trust me, you don't want a cute little belly. I'd way rather gain it in my thighs. Men don't mind thighs, but they don't like bellies.

    I agree with you about the video. Maybe she was thinking, and didn't say, the Atonement is the ultimate beautifier. Or maybe it was in the rest of the talk. The Atonement makes life beautiful!
