


Brad's Grandpa George died. It was sad but the funeral was beautiful. The feelings of love and peace were so strong. He was a good man and lived a good life and had lots of people who loved him. Brad's Uncle John said, "George knew when you die you only take three things with you. Your covenants, your knowledge and your relationships."

Your relationships. 

Us at Grandpa George's burial


Brad said my last post was boring so I'll post a new one.

I saw an angel once. Me and my little sister. It was snowing and cold and we were in a bad situation. We were young-I think I was 17 and she was 15- and new to the city, downtown near 17th Ave. It was dark, we were waiting for the bus inside a bank. After hours, so just where the interact machines are. A man was in there also, a black man in a trench coat and a hat. He talked to us. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember it was comforting and applied perfectly to our situation (how would he know?). He left me with a feeling of peace and goodness, and that I was being watched and protected. His bus came right before ours.

When he was gone my sister and I both looked at each other, and both said, "that was an angel, that's what I thought!" etc.

It might sound overdramatic, but that's what happened. Even ask Rachel, although she might not remember.

My kids have wicked tans and blonder hair. Every warm day is spent at a lake of some kind or another. Sometimes we do other stuff too. Usually we hang out with cousins. That is always so fun.

Then one day Breanna said this:

"Look, Mom, I made a caterpillar!"
         And after I saw that picture I thought to myself, Breanna has my smile. Don't you think?