
Only Moms will get this.

Here's how I know I've been letting my kids watch too much TV lately. 

Breanna brought a book over to me and said, "Mom, when you see the eyes say 'eyes'." Okay. She flipped the pages and when I saw eyes I said "eyes." She said "say it louder" so I said it louder. She said, "say it LOUDER!" So I shouted "EYES!". And she said "great job, Mom."


  1. Awww!!! She is so cute!

    It's totally not the amount of TV, just the fact our kids are super intelligent and sponge up information like nobodies business! At least i'll tell myself that- We get the "Where are we going? (clap, clap, clap) TO CHURCH!" repeated until we get there.

  2. So funny!
    How did women get through their first terrible trimesters without TV for their kids? Maybe it was invented for that very reason. :)
