

So this morning I was excited because Jesse woke up dry and we went potty as soon as he got up and peed forever in his little potty. I was like "good job Jesse!" I brought him into the kitchen to eat his breakfast and when I came back to get Breanna she had dumped half of the pee all over the bathroom floor and spread it around with her hands. So I put her in the bath and washed the floor. After Jesse finished his breakfast he came in the bath with Breanna. I got Breanna out, dried her off and put a diaper on, then got Jesse out. While I was drying Jesse off I realized Breanna was missing. I went into the bathroom and lo and behold, she had dumped out the other half of the pee and spread it all over the floor again. 

Increasingly I'm feeling what I've always known-nobody cares. Nobody cares if my house is clean and the floors are scrubbed. Nobody cares if I feed my family healthy food, if I exercise, if I have a testimony, if I recycle, if I keep my 2-year old's TV time to under an hour even on wintry days, if I look pretty one day,  if I get my kids dressed and control my temper even when I want to lose it, or even if I do the grocery shopping at Superstore alone with my two kids because my husband can't stand grocery shopping and plan my meals before I go so I can keep it under budget. Nobody cares!  

Okay, I know even if they don't know it yet, my kids will be grateful someday. Brad tells me he's grateful but I think deep down he probably just expects it. Point being, I might as well stop waiting for someone to say "Excellent job!" because it's not going to happen!! 


  1. EXCELLENT JOB!! Did that help? I loved reading that because you put into words how I have felt many times-underappreciated for all the many seemingly "little" efforts which eat up our energy, patience, and time every day, over and over. Somehow it helps to find out there's others that feel the same way (and have the same kinds of frustrations)! And one day, it will be worth it! Keep up the excellent work! ummm I have a question...would you be willing to watch my kids monday at 12:15 to 1 pm while I go VT? I understand if you are busy, it is so close to christmas. let me know, thanks!

  2. Pee is something that should be disposed of immediately, given that it is one of baby's favorite art mediums. So nice and warm. And yellow.
